Friday, September 21, 2007

the wonderful relationship

Hi I'm supreeth.g.vattam.
The person who has inspired me a lot to write stories is my eldest paternal uncle Mr Sreenivas Murthy and I dedicate this to him.
my story is based on an event which moved my heart and inspired me to write this story.

From now on begins the story

A boy named Arnav 10yrs old once on a sunday morning went to a shop as his mother told him to get some required while going to the shop which was about two minutes away he saw a scene truly a heartrending one.two people arrived in a motor bike carrying a dog arrived at the scene and literally threw it on the road.the dog was a cocker's spaniel' a black colored beauty indeed.though it looked good it's physical health was atrocious it was wounded in a number of places and some of its wound were as big as a tennis ball.the boy was totally upset by the action of the two bikers before he could note down the number of the bike the fled from the scene as quickly as a rat the boy very upset and saddened at the dog's condition went home after buying the commodity his mom had asked him to buy.
his parents were amazed to see how the boy's mood changed in a span of few minutes as he looked pale and dull.on en quiring they found out what happened during the boy's journey to the shop.his father told him to feed it with some bread and biscuits,he did as told to him.
while returning home an idea flashed like a lightning.coming home running he reached the house and shouted,"DAAAAAD I GOT, IT I'LL HAND OVER THE DOG TO THE ANIMAL WELFARE ASSOCIATION."
immediately removing the telephone directory he searched for a well known animal welfare association and immediately called them.after that he even brought the dog lying on the road to his house and looked after it with all the love till the concerned people arrived.
finally they arrived and took the day.

life went on. his memories of the dog faded away in course of time.
years passed by and by and Arnav grew up and entered high school when he was 14yrs old, he went on a project to an animal welfare association.
it chanced that unknowingly it was the same association in which the wounded dog was admitted by him.those memories had faded away from his mind.

when he entered the place and as he was wandering about a dog came running at him and in a puzzled state he was frozen for a moment and then it pounced on him and was licking him like a dog licking its master, to his astonishment he didnt realize what the dog was doing to him and why did it do so.after that he gave some work for his brain and realized that it was the same dog he had saved earlier,overjoyed by the reunoin with his favorite dog.he decided to take the dog home along wit the happy boy went home with a new friend and member with old memories.
though his parents refused to accept the new member Arnav convinced his parents.the dog was fully fit and had recovered from the mishap.

months passed and the dog and the boy bonded even close, not only with Arnav but also with the family.

one day all the family members wen out for a picnic, the dog stayed at home.when everyone were away a snake came into their house compound so the dog became aware of it.when everyone arrived home and were about to enter the house compound,the dog came barking and didn't allow anyone to enter the compound and everyone were astonished by it's behavior so they waited till it stopped, after sometime the snake went off and then the dog coolly let everyone in.

on en quiring the neighbors they found out that since the snake was there the dog didn't allow them inside , since the neighbors had seen the snake
going off their compound the neighbors told them about it.
from then the family were very much attached to the dog and their bond was like that of diamond


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